Sainte-Colombe, Jean de

Mr de Ste Colombe: Concerts à deux violes esgales

Savall, Jordi;
Kuijken, Wieland
nr katalogowy
AVSA 9885
"On the occasion of his 70th birthday he got a present for himself Jordi Savall with a Re-Release of two recordings with Gamba music of the great unknown Sainte-Colombe. The the first of the two episodes was first as LP and after all 15 years before the movie 'The Seventh String' by Alain Corneau appeared, who with a blow the so melancholic music made Sainte-Colombe famous. The second episode of 1992 could use this success. One New edition of this so nobly distanced music, which is Savall and Kuijken is interpreted congenially, in even the most improved sound quality is not just a matter of Gift for Savall, but also for the listener." • FonoForum 01 / 12
SACD x 2
Muzyka klasyczna
Alia Vox
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Mr de Ste Colombe: Concerts à deux violes esgales

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