różni kompozytorzy

Cantate e sinfonie

pełny spis kompozytorów
Boloncini, Giovanni;
Caldara, Antonio;
Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo;
d'Astorga, Emanuele;
Fiorè, Andrea Stefano
Aurata Fonte
nr katalogowy
TC 680002
According to the composer and conductor Clarence Lucas, writing in 1935, “of the merits of d’Ambrosio... he always maintains his standard of elegance and never becomes commonplace”. By the way d’Ambrosio’s instrumental music was highly appreciated by contemporaries and played by the most acclaimed interpreters of his time, though nowadays seems hélas almost neglected. Alfredo D’Ambrosio (Naples, June 13, 1871 - Paris, December 28, 1914) was a Neapolitan violinist and composer studying in Naples Conservatoire with Eusebio Dworzak, Ferdinando Pinto, Enrico Bossi, then in Madrid with Pablo Sarasate and in London with August Wilhelmj. He then set up in Nice where for years he promoted the musical programs of the Club L’Artistique, with his Colleagues Harold Bauer and Jacques Thibaud, or playing in his own Quartet with his cousin Luigi d’Ambrosio (violinist and later teacher of Salvatore Accardo). The Archos Quartet guides us on a chronological path to the discovery of the compositions for quartet and quintet of strings, using the collaboration of two exceptional soloists: Friedrich Thiele on the cello and Mio Tamayama on the double bass.
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data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Cantate e sinfonie

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cena 68,00


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Klienci, którzy kupili ten produkt, kupili również

Bach, Johann Sebastian, Haydn, Joseph, Handel, George Frideric


HRC 1018

Aliotti, Bonaventura

Aliotti: Oratorium "Il Sansone"

K 617133

Banks, Tony

Banks: Five


Prokofiev, Sergey

PROKOFIEV: Piano Concertos 1, 3 & 4


Colista, Lelio

Colista: Sinfonie a tre


The Thing / Joe McPhee – She Knows..


Scheidemann, Heinrich

Scheidemann: Organ Works

MDG 906 2113-6

Martinu, Bohuslav

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Weber, Carl Maria von

Weber: Der Freischütz arr. for Wind Ensemble

MDG 301 0267-2

Demierre/Guy/Niggli: Brainforest

INT 107

Beriot, Charles-Auguste de

Bériot: Violin Concertos Nos. 4; 6 and 7; Scène de ballet; Air varié No. 4


Frid, Grigori

Frid: Symphony No. 3; Double Concerto; Inventions

C 5353

różni kompozytorzy

German Baroque Cantatas - Schop, Ebart, Biber, Pachelbel, Buxtehude, ...

PC 10293

Meyerbeer, Giacomo

Meyerbeer: Ballet Music from the Operas


Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von



Pozostałe płyty tego kompozytora

różni kompozytorzy

I musicisti dell'imperaratore - Piani, Caldara, Scarlatti & Vivaldi

PC 10324

Caldara, Antonio

Caldara: Missa Dolorosa


Caldara, Antonio

Caldara: Trio Sonatas

GCD 922514

Caldara, Antonio

WYCOFANY Caldara: Maddalena ai piedi di Cristo

HMM 935221.22

różni kompozytorzy

Musici da Camera - Reichenauer, Jiranek, Vivaldi, Fasch, Caldara, Tuma, Postel, Orschler

SU 4112-2

różni kompozytorzy

Rorate Coeli: Advent and Christmas in Baroque Prague

SU 4002-2

różni kompozytorzy

Spanish Secular Cantatas


różni kompozytorzy

WYCOFANY Roma – Bonporti, Stradella, Caldara, Mannelli, Lonati, Lullier

MYR 002

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Bab? Musicale - Count Harrach’s treasures: Fasch; Caldara; ...

FB 1702576

różni kompozytorzy

Maria Mater Meretrix

Alpha 739

Caldara, Antonio

Caldara: Maddalena ai piedi di Cristo

Alpha 426

Caldara, Antonio

Caldara: La Passione di Gesù Cristo

HCD 31862-63

Caldara, Antonio

Caldara: Il piu bel nome

GCD 920310

różni kompozytorzy

Venezia 1700 – Torricelli, Bonporti, Caldara, Dall'Abaco, Vivaldi & Albinoni

AP 128

Caldara, Antonio

Caldara: Cantate, Sonate, Arie

RAM 0405

Pozostałe płyty tego wykonawcy

Strozzi, Barbara

Strozzi: Sacri Musicali Affetti, Op. 5, 1655

TC 611990

Bononcini, Giovanni Battista

Bononcini: Cantate e Sonate

TC 670202