Carlo Gesualdo

Gesualdo: Quarto Libro di Madrigali

La Venexiana;
Cavina, Claudio
nr katalogowy
GCD C80934
The Fourth Book of Madrigals displays an increased tendency towards chromatism, but short of the extreme experimentalism of the two following collec - tions. Amidst the stormy and poignant intensity of pages like Sparge la morte or Moro, e mentre sospiro, there is still room for fleeting accents of gentleness and lightness, traces of luminos - ity and a certain ease in the movement of the high parts (perhaps an echo of the vocal charms of the ‘Trio of Dames’). Thus, this Fourth Book serves as a bridge in Gesualdo’s production. The result is a jewel that shines with a light at once brilliant and somber. By the way, does not the surprising façade of Gesualdo’s first residence in Ferrara – the Palace of Diamonds – produce the same impression? Perhaps the spirit of Ferrara speaks, in covert fashion, in these madrigals.
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Gesualdo: Quarto Libro di Madrigali

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