Legrenzi, Giovanni

Legrenzi: Harmonia d’affetti devoti Op. 3

Nova Ars Cantandi;
Valotti, Ivana;
Acciai, Giovanni
nr katalogowy
Giovanni Legrenzi was one of the most gifted and influential composers of his generation, playing a decisive role in the establishment of Baroque style in northern Italy in the latter half of the 17th century. Drawing on the example of Monteverdi, Harmonia d’affetti devoti for two, three, and four voices with organ bass, was intended for liturgical use, but the sung texts depart entirely from tradition, being chosen to maximise the expressive power of their musical settings. This world premiere recording reveals Legrenzi’s extraordinary melodic refinement, rhythmic vitality and perfect elegance, all designed to rouse listeners to feelings of stupore et maraviglia (‘wonder and amazement’).
CD x 2
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Legrenzi: Harmonia d’affetti devoti Op. 3

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