Landi, Stefano

Landi: La morte d\'Orfeo

Visse, Dominique;
Lasserre, Françoise;
Auvity, Cyril;
Laurens, Guillemette;
Akademia Ensemble
nr katalogowy
ZZT 070402.2
In 2007, the music world will celebrate the 400th anniversary of the premiere of Monteverdi's L'Orfeo and thus the establishment of the genre of opera. Reason enough to take a look at the compositions immediately after L'Orfeo. Stefano Landi's opera La Morte d'Orfeo, written in Padua in 1619, is one of the first masterpieces of this still young genre and begins in terms of content exactly where Monteverdi ends. It also introduces two important innovations for the further development of the genre: the comic element and a more intensive involvement of the choir.
CD x 2
Muzyka klasyczna
Zig Zag Territoires
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Landi: La morte d\'Orfeo

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cena 119,00


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